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Joist Sprint Onboarding Questionnaire

Hi, Joist team!

Thanks for taking the time to complete this questionnaire. This is a critical step towards helping us better understand Joist so that our Sprint is a successful as possible.

This questionnaire can be completed by one person on your team, or a group of folks who hold knowledge on different areas of the business. In total, it should take about ~30 minutes to complete.

The questionnaire is divided into 8 sections:

1. Your company, offering & people

2. Your growth goals & objectives

3. Your customers & target audience

4. Your marketing & acquisition

5. The competitive landscape

6. Your offering

7. Your positioning & brand

8. Important metrics & targets

Note that beyond the "your name and role" question, no other questions are marked "required." If you don't have the answer to a question, just skip it, take your best guess, or provide some context. You can go back and forth between the sections at any time.